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Trinity Lutheran Church


MISSION STATEMENT: We are committed to being God's Presence in the Ellwood City area with a mission of evangelism and outreach that seeks to spread the Good News in Jesus Christ, inviting others to join us in the worship and work of our Lord.  We are committed to read, study, and meditate upon the Word of God.  And through prayer and the Holy Spirit's guidance, we are empowered to respond to those in need.

10:00 a.m. Summer Worship


Click for Trinity's story of congregational growth which was published in Southwestern PA Synod's web site.
Trinity Staff
   Pastor: Pastor David R. Saylor
   Mrs. Barbara Beachem, Council President
   Mr. David Spielvogle II, Director of Music
   Mrs. Barbara DeCooman, Youth Choir Director
   Mrs. Cindy Rosaci, Church Secretary
   Mr. Erik Nielsen, Bookkeeper

Trinity's Council and Teams
     President: Barb Beachem
     Vice President: Denise Gerard
     Secretary:  Kathie Kiser
     Growth in Faith - Guy Hunter
     Youth and Young Adult - Guy Hunter
     Growing Stewards & Dollars and Cents - Denise Gerard
     Food & Fun - Doug Slade
     Shepherding & Good Neighbor - Leah Scroggin
     Building & Grounds - Bob Porter, Bryan Neghiu and Dave Blank
     Vision Refresh - Joscelyn Curcio
     Word and Praise - Tim Gebhart and Denise Gerard
     Mutual Ministry - Joscelyn Curcio
     Scholarship - Kathie Kiser
     AV/IT - Doug Slade
     WELCA - Barb Guenther and Janice Grudowski 

*Office Hours*
Church Office Hours
Pastor: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Hours subject to change)
Secretary: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

If you are visiting the Ellwood City area, or if you do not have a church to call your home,
we welcome you to join us for Worship.
Please see our calendar for a list of times and events.

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