*Word & Praise Team-This team meets to oversee all aspects of the congregation?s worship life.
It shall:
Recommend changes and innovations, procedures, and practices.
Recommend special worship services such as Thanksgiving, Lent, Christmas, Advent, etc.
Work with choir director and organist to see that proper and quality music is provided.
Recruit choir, acolytes, and nursery personnel.
Provide for supply organist (could be handled by organist, but must be communicated with chairperson).
Work with altar guild to make necessary purchases of worship supplies, i.e., candles, communion wafers, wine, vestments, robes and banners.
Oversee Head Usher who provides ushers for each service and an attendance record to the church office & chairperson.
Arrange for training and scheduling of acolytes, communion assistants, and lectors for all services.
Submit a monthly written report to council.
Council Liaison Tim Gebhart and Denise Gerard
*Building & Grounds Team - This committee meets to see the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation, and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair. It shall:
Inspect the property at each months meeting (including the parsonage and the garage).
Take care of normal (budgeted) maintenance and repairs as quickly as possible.
Recommend to council all major repairs needed (including cost estimates, materials needed, timing, and names of those who could do the work).
Provide necessary supplies for the regular cleaning and maintenance of the buildings.
Assist the custodian in the care of the grounds and general appearance of the property.
Review and maintain adequate insurance of the property, recommending to council any changes necessary to protect the congregation against loss.
Submit a monthly written report to council.
Council Liaisons Bob Porter, Bryan Neghiu and Dave Blank
*Youth and Young Adult - This team Serves as a liaison between the Youth Group and the Council; and submits to council a monthly report concerning Youth Activities. It oversees the youth of Trinity, College Students, Young Adults and Military Persons. This team looks for ways to stay connected with the young people in the church.
Council Liaison Guy Hunter
*Growing Stewards & Dollars & Cents Team - This team is responsible for the fiscal planning and administration of the congregation.
It shall:
Oversee the work of the treasurer, making sure all obligations are paid on a timely basis and in accordance with standard operating procedures.
Oversee the work of the financial secretary, making sure all contributions are properly recorded and acknowledged.
Oversee the Memorial Endowment Fund: receiving and acknowledging all gifts, maintaining a permanent record of all memorial designations, investing and disbursing all funds according to the bylaws, and reporting to the Congregation Council on a quarterly and annual basis.
Prepare a draft budget for the succeeding year and present it to the council at its October meeting.
Meet as often as necessary, but at least twice each year.
Submit a written report to council following each meeting.
Council Liaison Denise Gerard
*Growth in Faith Team- This team meets to provide leadership and supervision of the educational programs of the congregation (Sunday School, Catechetical Instruction, and Vacation Bible School).
It shall:
Provide teacher and leadership training.
Secure, appoint, and evaluate the Church School Superintendent, who will report to the committee on a regular basis.
Evaluate curriculum.
Provide special learning events for the entire congregation.
Initiate change or the updating of programs as deemed necessary.
Submit a monthly written report to council.
Council Liaison Guy Hunter
*Good Neighbor - This committee meets to stimulate and lead all members of the congregation in continuous and, from time to time, concerted endeavors to reawaken the spiritually indifferent and to reach others, who are as yet, with the Gospel and attach them to Christ Church.
It shall:
Procure and sponsor new members for instruction in the Lutheran faith.
Arrange visitation to inactive members, new members, visitors, and non-active parents of the Church School Children.
Arrange for training and scheduling of greeters for all worship services.
Motivate and train the congregation to put out the welcome mat, teaching everyone the kind of specific things we need to do to be hospitable to visitors, and seekers.
Keep the brochure on Trinity current.
Present new members with a packet, consisting of a directory, pictorial directory, brochure, newsletter (make certain they are on mailing list), a copy of Annual Report, the constitution and the by-laws.
Submit a monthly written report to council.
Council Liaison Leah Scroggin
*Shepherding Good Neighbor Team - This committee meets to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the imprisoned and, in general, to persons of all ages in need of aid in body, mind or spirit.
It shall:
Strive to enlist in these efforts as many of the members of the congregation as possible.
Arrange visitation of the homebound (oversee activity of Visitation Committee).
Oversee the operation of the We Care Center of Trinity.
Coordinate purchases, preparations and delivery of meals for recently released from the hospital.
Oversee the Boot Tree collection of good and distribution to the Headstart.
Oversee the gathering and delivery of Thanksgiving Dinners for the Headstart.
Disseminate information of the ELCA World Hunger Appeal and other social conditions or pending legislation that affects the lives of the oppressed.
Submit a written report to council after each meeting.
Council Liaison Leah Scroggin
*Growing Stewards Team - This committee meets to design and implement creative programs for the congregation that foster the Biblical concept of stewardship.
It shall:
Evoke and promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living.
Teach the Christian use of money.
Diffuse knowledge of the congregation local, national and worldwide ministries
Lead all the members to higher level of proportionate giving (namely tithing).
DistributeHow Shall I Serve forms annually in April, disseminating the information gathered to the proper committee chairpersons by the end of May.
Attend special synodical stewardship gatherings.
Submit a monthly written report to council.
Council Liaison Denise Gerard
*Food & Fun Team - This committee meets to oversee the special opportunities we have to unite the congregation in Christian fellowship through formal and informal social activities.
It shall:
Arrange and or prepare all congregational dinners.
Oversee the purchases, preparations and provisions of funeral dinners when necessary.
Plan and arrange special programs for the congregation to enjoy, such as the senior citizens; Spring Fling or special speakers, musicians, puppeteers, etc.
Plan, arrange and oversee special teas and coffee hours for new members, etc.
Sponsor outing for congregation, such as skating, bowling, etc.
Submit a written report to council following each meeting.
Council Liaison Doug Slade
*Mutual Ministry Team (Staff Support) - This committee oversees the paid staff of the congregation.
It shall:
During the summer months, meet individually with each employee to evaluate the employees work performance, to listen to employees concerns and issues, and to consider recommendations for improving the working conditions at Trinity.
Review all salaries and make recommendations to the council for keeping such salaries in line with current costs of living and raises for work done in line with recommended procedures.
Provide a liaison between the congregation and the pastor
Provide the pastor with support and direction of her ministry among and with the congregation.
Review annually the Letter of Call to see that both pastor and congregation are fulfilling their covenant with one another.
Assist the pastor in setting priorities for ministry according to the Gospel and the needs of the congregation & community.
Submit a discreetly written report to council, respecting all confidential conversations.
Council Liaison Joscelyn Curcio